If you aren’t providing websites to your customers now, then you are missing an opportunity to not only protect the printing customers you have but to gain more. That’s because we estimate less than one in five printers currently providing the service which is more reason for you do so now.
Besides, all forms of electronic printing are growing. Why? It’s the digital revolution obviously. Think of it this way: we currently sell to businesses within our area and creating a website for them isn’t much different than creating any other marketing piece. Granted, the website should be interactive and should provide functions besides advertising (customer service is common) but the concept is the same. Create once (typeset or do pre-press) and reproduce many (print duplicates or get eyeballs to view the material over the website). Likewise, sending out a monthly newsletter for an organization is not much different than doing the same function via email broadcast.
Second, the penetration of electronic devices as part of our normal communications will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. Either way, websites and allied services will grow as a revenue source for those of us flexible enough to adapt to a change in thinking.
Tom Crouser wrote in Quick Printing magazine (August 2011), “What should we do? We must devote time, energy and resources to developing our skills to meet the challenge. We must seek out the information and training and I don’t mean just direct your pre-press person to learn about it. WE, as owners, must become more familiar with everything from HTML code to Social Media to Email Broadcasting and everything else. Digital communication is not the thing that will kill the printing industry. Digital communication will be the printing industry shortly, and I don’t mean decades from now. I mean a few short years from now.”
Get started with learning how to price website development. In this report you will find a price list of functions as well as recommendations on hourly rates.
Digital Download – 16 Page Report – Originally $75
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