4 Steps to Confront Bad Behavior

Price: $20.00

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bad behaviorNo one likes to confront employee’s bad behavior so we put it off until we can’t stand it anymore. Then we blow up. That results in a dysfunctional workplace and us looking like an “ole grouch.” There is a better way using a simple four-step SAFE model. SAY it as you see it. ASK what they will do about it. FIND a solution. EXPECT performance.

So, legislate behavior. Decide what’s acceptable and what’s not. Then deal individually with workers who don’t behave acceptably.

And that requires you to confront.

But we don’t know how.

It always feels like we are going out to fight on the playground. So we avoid it and act moody to others because we’re upset at someone’s behavior; we’re just not telling them about it.

We avoid it until we can’t take it anymore and then we blow up.

This 4 Step method describes an easy way to solve the problem of bad behavior. Invaluable supervisory training.

This product is a PDF report which is delivered to you immediately (see RECEIPT for your download link), 6 pages.

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