Small Business Training

Tom Crouser December 26, 2013 Comments Off on Small Business Training

Tom CrouserTom Crouser is available for business training presentations in many areas of small business management, especially with companies with 3 to 15 employees. He has programs especially related to small business finance; organization; business to business sales training; and transitions of businesses from the first to second generations.

Tom Crouser is author of “Prospering: Putting the Business to Work for You and Your Family in 5 Basic Steps.” Since 1986, Tom has been a regular monthly contributor to a national trade magazine and other publications. He also has made presentations before audiences throughout the United States, Canada, England and Australia.

He holds a Masters in Business Administration, an undergraduate degree in accounting and has taught operations management on the undergraduate and graduate levels. Tom owned and operated a business for twenty years prior to founding Crouser & Associates, Inc. in 1985. In his spare time, he served over 25 years as a member of the U.S. Air Force Reserve, retiring in 1992 as a Lieutenant Colonel.

For more information email or call our office (304) 965-7100

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