Vendor Non-Compete Non-Disclosure Sample Agreement

Price: $30.00

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Vendor Non-Compete Non-DisclosureNever think a non-compete problem between you and your vendor will occur? Well, it doesn’t until it does. Then it’s too late. This sample non-compete agreement between reseller (printer) and vendor (supplier) protects you from your vendor competing with you or disclosing your confidential information. You should have one of these agreements with all of your vendors.

What’s Covered in Non-Compete?

This starter agreement covers many items including: definition of confidential information; agreement that confidential information is property of reseller and shall be return or destroyed. Also included is: time period; vendor’s use of information; jurisdiction and more. Also the agreement covers trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property.

This sample agreement is not intended to be legal advice, rather is a sample of what could be an agreement between a printer and vendor. It is recommended that your modification of this sample agreement be reviewed by an attorney in your state who is familiar with such agreements. No guarantees or warranties are expressed or implied.

Don’t wait until you lose a big account to a vendor. Protect yourself now.

This product is a PDF report which is delivered to you immediately (see receipt for download link), 2 page agreement.

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